January 13, 2014

2014 Goals {for our home}

Last year was a busy year of home projects.  Which got expensive.  We spend a lot less on our home than we would have if we didn't DIY, but the costs add up nonetheless.  Our Master Bath came in at $7,000 and we invested $6,000 in our pool.  Ouch.  Not to mention all of the smaller projects which certainly add up.

DIY-ing is our passion and our hobby.  We don't take expensive vacations or drive expensive new cars.      So of course, although we plan to spend much less this year, we do have some plans in the works.

Here are a few of the plans in the works:

1.  A new coffee table for the living room.  Square with a shelf on the bottom.  Billy would like to either build or diy something.  Currently, we have a dark brown "leather" ottoman that was purchased on the cheap a bunch of years ago.

January 10, 2014

Winter in our Kitchen

Hello there!  I feel like it is taking me forever to get back in the groove of things after the holidays.  I am finally getting things back in order around the house.  I really do love this time of year.  There are less activities pulling us away from home and everything moves at a slower pace.

Billy finally installed this caged light pendant that I found at Target on clearance last summer.  It originally had a plug on the end of it, but he managed to hard wire it to the recessed fixture above our sink.  I am thrilled with the charm this light added for the $5 I spent on it.

Shaw's Farm Sink with Target Theshold caged pendant |