January 30, 2021

At Home in Winter

I so enjoy getting back into the kitchen in January after the craziness of the holidays is over and there is more time for the simple things - like cooking and spending time with my kids. It's refreshing not to have quite as much clutter around that all the holiday decor brings with it. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but I am also a bit relieved to pack it all away and begin with a blank slate. 

Farmhouse style kitchen in open floor plan home -

I'm always happy to see my pot rack return. I love the warmth the copper adds to my kitchen and how it works so well with the color of the island (Oval Room Blue by Farrow and Ball). I also miss how well it functions - I keep things like the colander and cheese grater right above where I use it. Maybe next Christmas I will leave the pot rack up for a change. It's always hard to imagine what next Christmas will bring or how I will ever find the energy to come up with new ideas and yet somehow Christmas rolls around again and I do. 

               Farmhouse style kitchen with painted kitchen island with Oval Room Blue paint -

I usually keep our microwave on the white cart that you see in the bottom left corner of the photo above, but to change things up, I put it back on the counter and am using the cart for kitchen storage. I am forever moving the microwave around! There is no good place for it, except built in somewhere and that wasn't as common of a practice when we designed this kitchen close to 13 years ago. The microwave used to be over the range, then moved to a shelf and finally onto this cart. I did see Billy measuring and pondering a way to retro-fit it into the island so stay tuned. Fingers crossed he figures out a way - he almost always does when it comes to projects like these.

 Farmhouse style kitchen with painted kitchen island with Oval Room Blue paint -

 Farmhouse sink in cottage style kitchen with DIY sink skirt -

I found these adorable bird sponges on Amazon and they made me smile even on some of those devastating news days that we all experienced this month. They remind me of Emily Dickinson's poignant words - Hope is the thing with feather, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops, at all...

Farmhouse sink in cottage style kitchen with DIY sink skirt -

Farmhouse style kitchen in split level home with open floor plan -

Farmhouse style kitchen in split level home with open floor plan -
I am happy to live with a lot less color this time of year but I am already thinking about adding some red in soon for Valentine's Day. After after all, it's just about February.
Farmhouse style kitchen in split level home with open floor plan -

Farmhouse style kitchen in split level home with open floor plan -

Farmhouse style kitchen in split level home with open floor plan -
I still have our Christmas wreath from Costco hanging on the front door. I will take it down as soon as it starts to dry out but it always seems to last much longer than the holiday season.
Entryway with Benjamin Moore Labrador Blue paint -
Finally, here's a look at the living room area that is open to our kitchen. I kept the southing blues in here for winter with a small pop of red from the winter barn picture and flowers.
Cottage style living room with quilts and Ikea hack coffee table-

Cottage style living room with quilts and Ikea hack coffee table-
Thanks so much for stopping by today!